///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> // // available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net // // or http://www.getid3.org /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// getID3() v2.x optimized for PHP5 by: // // Allan Hansen <ahØartemis*dk> /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This code is released under the GNU GPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html +---------------------------------------------+ | If you do use this code somewhere, send me | | an email and tell me how/where you used it. | | | | If you want to donate, there is a link on | | http://www.getid3.org for PayPal donations. | +---------------------------------------------+ Quick Start =========== Q: How can I check that getID3() works on my server/files? A: Unzip getID3() to a directory, then access /demos/demo.browse.php Sourceforge Notification ======================== It's highly recommended that you sign up for notification from Sourceforge for when new versions are released. Please visit: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=55859 and click the little "monitor package" icon/link. If you're previously signed up for the mailing list, be aware that it has been discontinued, only the automated Sourceforge notification will be used from now on. What does getID3() do? ====================== Reads & parses (to varying degrees): ¤ tags: * APE (v1 and v2) * ID3v1 (& ID3v1.1) * ID3v2 (v2.4, v2.3, v2.2) * Lyrics3 (v1 & v2) ¤ audio-lossy: * MP3/MP2/MP1 * MPC / Musepack * Ogg (Vorbis, OggFLAC, Speex) * RealAudio * Speex * VQF ¤ audio-lossless: * AIFF * AU * Bonk * CD-audio (*.cda) * FLAC * LA (Lossless Audio) * LPAC * MIDI * Monkey's Audio * OptimFROG * RKAU * VOC * WAV (RIFF) * WavPack ¤ audio-video: * ASF: ASF, Windows Media Audio (WMA), Windows Media Video (WMV) * AVI (RIFF) * Flash * MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 * NSV (Nullsoft Streaming Video) * Quicktime * RealVideo ¤ still image: * BMP * GIF * JPEG * PNG ¤ data: * ISO-9660 CD-ROM image (directory structure) * SZIP (limited support) * ZIP (directory structure) Writes: * ID3v1 (& ID3v1.1) * ID3v2 (v2.3 & v2.4) * VorbisComment on OggVorbis * VorbisComment on FLAC (not OggFLAC) * APE v2 * Lyrics3 (delete only) Requirements ============ * PHP 4.1.0 (or higher) * at least 4MB memory for PHP. 8MB is highly recommended. 12MB is required with all modules loaded. Usage ===== require_once('/path/getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; $fileinfo = $getID3->analyze($filename); See structure.txt for the returned data structure. *> For an example of a complete directory-browsing, <* *> file-scanning implementation of getID3(), please run <* *> /demos/demo.browse.php <* See /demos/demo.basic.php for a very basic use of getID3() with no fancy output, just scanning one file. See /demos/demo.mysql.php for a sample recursive scanning code that scans every file in a given directory, and all sub-directories, stores the results in a database and allows various analysis / maintenance operations See /demos/demo.simple.php for a simple example script that scans all files in one directory and output artist, title, bitrate and playtime See /demos/demo.mimeonly.php for a simple example script that scans a single file and returns only the MIME information To analyze remote files over HTTP or FTP you need to copy the file locally first before running getID3(). Your code would look something like this: // Copy remote file locally to scan with getID3() $remotefilename = 'http://www.example.com/filename.mp3'; if ($fp_remote = fopen($remotefilename, 'rb')) { $localtempfilename = tempnam('/tmp', 'getID3'); if ($fp_local = fopen($localtempfilename, 'wb')) { while ($buffer = fread($fp_remote, 8192)) { fwrite($fp_local, $buffer); } fclose($fp_local); // Initialize getID3 engine $getID3 = new getID3; $ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($filename); // Delete temporary file unlink($localtempfilename); } fclose($fp_remote); } // Writing tags: require_once('getid3.php'); $getID3 = new getID3; getid3_lib::IncludeDependency(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'write.php', __FILE__); $tagwriter = new getid3_writetags; $tagwriter->filename = $Filename; $tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v2.3', 'ape'); $TagData['title'][] = 'Song Title'; $TagData['artist'][] = 'Artist Name'; $tagwriter->tag_data = array(; if ($tagwriter->WriteTags()) { echo 'success'; } else { echo 'failure'; } What does the returned data structure look like? ================================================ See structure.txt It is recommended that you look at the output of /demos/demo.browse.php scanning the file(s) you're interested in to confirm what data is actually returned for any particular filetype in general, and your files in particular, as the actual data returned may vary considerably depending on what information is available in the file itself. Notes ===== If the format parser encounters a critical problem, it will return something in $fileinfo['error'], describing the encountered error. If a less critical error or notice is generated it will appear in $fileinfo['warning']. Both keys may contain more than one warning or error. If something is returned in ['error'] then the file was not correctly parsed and returned data may or may not be correct and/or complete. If something is returned in ['warning'] (and not ['error']) then the data that is returned is OK - usually getID3() is reporting errors in the file that have been worked around due to known bugs in other programs. Some warnings may indicate that the data that is returned is OK but that some data could not be extracted due to errors in the file. Known Bugs/Issues ================= See the end of changelog.txt for notes on known issues with getID3(), encoders, players, etc. Disclaimer ========== getID3() has been tested on many systems, on many types of files, under many operating systems, and is generally believe to be stable and safe. That being said, there is still the chance there is an undiscovered and/or unfixed bug that may potentially corrupt your file, especially within the writing functions. By using getID3() you agree that it's not my fault if any of your files are corrupted. In fact, I'm not liable for anything :) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GNU General Public License - see license.txt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. FAQ: Q: Can I use getID3() in my program? Do I need a commercial license? A: You're generally free to use getID3 however you see fit. The only case in which you would require a commercial license is if you're selling your closed-source program that integrates getID3. If you sell your program including a copy of getID3, that's fine as long as you include a copy of the sourcecode when you sell it. Or you can distribute your code without getID3 and say "download it from getid3.sourceforge.net" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reference material: [www.id3.org material now mirrored at http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/id3/] * http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure.txt * http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames.txt * http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-changes.txt * http://www.id3.org/id3v2.3.0.txt * http://www.id3.org/id3v2-00.txt * http://www.id3.org/mp3frame.html * http://minnie.tuhs.org/pipermail/mp3encoder/2001-January/001800.html <mathewhendry@hotmail.com> * http://www.dv.co.yu/mpgscript/mpeghdr.htm * http://www.mp3-tech.org/programmer/frame_header.html * http://users.belgacom.net/gc247244/extra/tag.html * http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org/mp3infotag.html * http://www.id3.org/iso4217.html * http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/ISO8859/8859-1.TXT * http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/doc/framing.html * http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/doc/v-comment.html * http://leknor.com/code/php/class.ogg.php.txt * http://www.id3.org/iso639-2.html * http://www.id3.org/lyrics3.html * http://www.id3.org/lyrics3200.html * http://www.psc.edu/general/software/packages/ieee/ieee.html * http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~jac/MAD3401/Backgrnd/ieee-expl.html * http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~jac/MAD3401/Backgrnd/binary.html * http://www.jmcgowan.com/avi.html * http://www.wotsit.org/ * http://www.herdsoft.com/ti/davincie/davp3xo2.htm * http://www.mathdogs.com/vorbis-illuminated/bitstream-appendix.html * "Standard MIDI File Format" by Dustin Caldwell (from www.wotsit.org) * http://midistudio.com/Help/GMSpecs_Patches.htm * http://www.xiph.org/archives/vorbis/200109/0459.html * http://www.replaygain.org/ * http://www.lossless-audio.com/ * http://download.microsoft.com/download/winmediatech40/Doc/1.0/WIN98MeXP/EN-US/ASF_Specification_v.1.0.exe * http://mediaxw.sourceforge.net/files/doc/Active%20Streaming%20Format%20(ASF)%201.0%20Specification.pdf * http://www.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp/sv8/ * http://jfaul.de/atl/ * http://www.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp/ * http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/png-1.2-pdg.html * http://www.real.com/devzone/library/creating/rmsdk/doc/rmff.htm * http://www.fastgraph.com/help/bmp_os2_header_format.html * http://netghost.narod.ru/gff/graphics/summary/os2bmp.htm * http://flac.sourceforge.net/format.html * http://www.research.att.com/projects/mpegaudio/mpeg2.html * http://www.audiocoding.com/wiki/index.php?page=AAC * http://libmpeg.org/mpeg4/doc/w2203tfs.pdf * http://www.geocities.com/xhelmboyx/quicktime/formats/qtm-layout.txt * http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/quicktime/qtdevdocs/RM/frameset.htm * http://www.nullsoft.com/nsv/ * http://www.wotsit.org/download.asp?f=iso9660 * http://sandbox.mc.edu/~bennet/cs110/tc/tctod.html * http://www.cdroller.com/htm/readdata.html * http://www.speex.org/manual/node10.html * http://www.harmony-central.com/Computer/Programming/aiff-file-format.doc * http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2361.html * http://ghido.shelter.ro/ * http://www.ebu.ch/tech_t3285.pdf * http://www.sr.se/utveckling/tu/bwf * http://ftp.aessc.org/pub/aes46-2002.pdf * http://cartchunk.org:8080/ * http://www.broadcastpapers.com/radio/cartchunk01.htm * http://www.hr/josip/DSP/AudioFile2.html * http://home.attbi.com/~chris.bagwell/AudioFormats-11.html * http://www.pure-mac.com/extkey.html * http://cesnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/bonkenc/bonk-binary-format-0.9.txt * http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ * http://www.openswf.org/spec/SWFfileformat.html * http://j-faul.virtualave.net/ * http://www.btinternet.com/~AnthonyJ/Atari/programming/avr_format.html * http://cui.unige.ch/OSG/info/AudioFormats/ap11.html * http://sswf.sourceforge.net/SWFalexref.html * http://www.geocities.com/xhelmboyx/quicktime/formats/qti-layout.txt * http://www-lehre.informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de/~fbstark/diplom/docs/swf/Flash_Uncovered.htm * http://developer.apple.com/quicktime/icefloe/dispatch012.html * http://www.csdn.net/Dev/Format/graphics/PCD.htm * http://tta.iszf.irk.ru/ * http://www.atsc.org/standards/a_52a.pdf * http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/ * http://www.freelists.org/archives/matroska-devel/07-2003/msg00010.html * http://www.its.msstate.edu/net/real/reports/config/tags.stats * http://homepages.slingshot.co.nz/~helmboy/quicktime/formats/qtm-layout.txt * http://brennan.young.net/Comp/LiveStage/things.html * http://www.multiweb.cz/twoinches/MP3inside.htm * http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Oakland/3664/alittle.html#GenreExtended * http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.06/06.01/SANENormalized/ * http://www.unicode.org/unicode/faq/utf_bom.html * http://tta.corecodec.org/?menu=format * http://www.scvi.net/nsvformat.htm