Enables and disables controls.
- <!-- Set up a player with the ID attribute set to "myPlayer" -->
- <div id="myPlayer" data-wimpyplayer></div>
- <script>
- /*
- // Quick Reference:
- // enableControls(); // enables all "main play controls" as defined in wimpyConfigs.mainPlayControls.
- // enableControls(1); // enables all "main play controls" as defined in wimpyConfigs.mainPlayControls.
- // enableControls(0); // DISABLES all "main play controls" as defined in wimpyConfigs.mainPlayControls.
- // enableControls(1, "foo,bar"); // enables only the controls defined in list
- // enableControls(0, "foo,bar"); // disables only controls defined in list
- */
- <!-- A little relay function (so our HTML isn't impossible to read). -->
- function disabler(param){
- // Get a handle to the player by requesting a player from wimpy
- // with the "getPlayer" method. We set the argument to the ID
- // we used when settign up the player in the DIV above.
- var plr = wimpy.getPlayer("myPlayer");
- // Now send the arguments along to the "enableControls" method in our player.
- plr.disableControls(param);
- }
- // Same as above, but calling "diableControls" instead.
- function enabler(param){
- var plr = wimpy.getPlayer("myPlayer");
- plr.enableControls(param);
- }
- </script>
- <p><input type="button" onclick="disabler()" value="DISABLE All Play Controls"></p>
- <p><input type="button" onclick="enabler()" value="Enable All Play Controls"></p>
- <p><input type="button" onclick="disabler('play,next,scrubber')" value="DISABLE Play, Next, Scrubber (timeline)"></p>
- <p><input type="button" onclick="enabler('play,next,scrubber')" value="Enable Play, Next, Scrubber (timeline)"></p>