Wimpy Player


Wimpy Button


Test Suite

For Wimpy Player + Wimpy Button

This is the same test suite we use internally to validate options and API methods.

NOTE: If using the code contained in these page, pay close attention to the URL's to files.

You'll see a lot of "../" relative paths to files. We recommend replacing the paths with

absolute paths such as "/path/to/file.foo" or "http://ww/path/to/file.foo" depending on

where you have your media files and/or wimpy installed. This holds true for any URL,

including the reference to "wimpy.js" in the <head>.

  1. <!-- Wimpy Player Instance" -->
  2. <p>Wimpy Player</p>
  3. <div data-wimpyplayer></div>
  7. <!-- Wimpy Button Instance" -->
  8. <link href="../wimpy.buttons/WimpyButton_7779840.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  9. <center>
  10. <p>Wimpy Button</p>
  11. <div data-wimpybutton="../song1.mp3" class="WimpyButton_7779840"></div>
  12. </center>