Results will show up here.
- <script>
- function getPlayerPlaylist(theID){
- // Get a handle to a player using the "id"
- var player = wimpy.getPlayer(theID);
- // Retrieve the player's playlist
- var playlist = player.getPlaylist();
- // Set up a string to return
- var out = theID + " playlist:<br>";
- // Parse the javascript playlist. For each item
- // in the playlist, get the title and file
- for(var i=0; i<playlist.length; i++){
- // Get the next item
- var item = playlist[i];
- // Add text to the autput
- out += "title: " + item.title + " file : " + item.file + "<br>";
- }
- // return the text
- return out + "";
- }
- function doit(){
- var out = document.getElementById("showOuptut");
- out.innerHTML = getPlayerPlaylist("myPlayer1") + getPlayerPlaylist("myPlayer2");
- }
- </script>
- <div id="myPlayer1" data-wimpyplayer data-media="../song1.mp3"></div>
- <p>myPlayer1</p>
- <div id="myPlayer2" data-wimpyplayer data-media="../song2.mp3"></div>
- <p>myPlayer2</p>
- <!-- A simple button to ping the "doit" function. -->
- <p><input type="button" onclick="doit()" value="Get Player Info"></p>
- <pre id="showOuptut"> Results will show up here.
- </pre>