Simple String - showing in a skin that has free-standing title, artist, album text controls
JSON - showing in a skin that has free-standing title, artist, album text controls
Simple String - showing in a skin that has the scrolling info control
JSON - showing in a skin that has the scrolling info control
- <div data-wimpyplayer data-skin="../wimpy.skins/Vlad.tsv" data-startuptext="Hello"></div>
- <p>Simple String - showing in a skin that has free-standing title, artist, album text controls</p>
- <div data-wimpyplayer data-skin="../wimpy.skins/Vlad.tsv" data-startuptext='{"title":"The Title","album":"The Album","artist":"The Artist"}'></div>
- <p>JSON - showing in a skin that has free-standing title, artist, album text controls</p>
- <div data-wimpyplayer data-startuptext="Hello"></div>
- <p>Simple String - showing in a skin that has the scrolling info control</p>
- <div data-wimpyplayer data-startuptext='{"title":"The Title","album":"The Album","artist":"The Artist"}'></div>
- <p>JSON - showing in a skin that has the scrolling info control</p>