Song 1 volume = 0.3

Song 1 volume = 0.5

Song 1 volume = 1

Song 1 volume not set

  1. <!-- Wimpy Button Styles
  2. NOTE: These <link> references should go into the <head>,
  3. they are located here so they show up on the page.
  4. -->
  5. <link href="../wimpy.buttons/WimpyButton_7779840.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  7. <!-- Wimpy Button Instance -->
  8. <p><span id="myButtonElementID" class="WimpyButton_7779840" data-wimpybutton="../song1.mp3" data-volume="0.3"></span> <br>Song 1 volume = 0.3</p>
  9. <p><span id="myButtonElementID" class="WimpyButton_7779840" data-wimpybutton="../song1.mp3" data-volume="0.5"></span> <br>Song 1 volume = 0.5</p>
  10. <p><span id="myButtonElementID" class="WimpyButton_7779840" data-wimpybutton="../song1.mp3" data-volume="1"></span> <br>Song 1 volume = 1</p>
  11. <p><span id="myButtonElementID" class="WimpyButton_7779840" data-wimpybutton="../song1.mp3"></span> <br>Song 1 volume not set</p>
  13. <!-- Use javascript to adjust button volume -->
  14. <p><button onclick="wimpyButton.setVolume(0.3)">Set volume to 0.3</button></p>
  15. <p><button onclick="wimpyButton.setVolume(0.5)">Set volume to 0.5</button></p>
  16. <p><button onclick="wimpyButton.setVolume(1)">Set volume to 1</button></p>