Pipe Delimited
Newline Delimited
A bit of a hack. See source code for details.
Checking Wimpy logic to handle both pipe and newline at the same time.
- <!-- NOTE: We've put spaces around the "pipe" character. Wimpy will automatically trim the spaces off, and it might be a little easier to read?-->
- <div data-wimpyplayer data-media="../song1.mp3 | ../song2.mp3 | ../video1.mp4"></div>
- <p>Pipe Delimited</p>
- <!-- NOTE: NOTE: putting newlines into an HTML attribute's "value" may not be something that all browsers honor... and may break the browser's ability to read the overall <DIV>? Generally not such a good idea, but if it works, hey, what the heck -->
- <div data-wimpyplayer data-media="../song1.mp3
- ../song2.mp3
- ../video1.mp4"></div>
- <p>Newline Delimited
- <br>A bit of a hack. See source code for details.</p>
- <!-- Just checking Wimpy logic to handle both pipe and newline at the same time. -->
- <div data-wimpyplayer data-media="../song1.mp3 |
- ../song2.mp3 |
- ../video1.mp4"></div>
- <p>Checking Wimpy logic to handle both pipe and newline at the same time.</p>