Click a star... but you'll first need to play a track!
Output goes here
- <script>
- // NOTE: These areguments are the stadard set returned when using addMEL
- // obj - The button that was clicked
- // po - An object containing x/y position information for mouse and object.
- // args - Any argument that was established when setting up the addMEL.
- function setRating (obj, pos, args){
- // Get the current track info
- var trackData = player.getTrackDataset();
- var file = trackData.file;
- // Set up a variable to display what happened.
- var displayInfo;
- // If no file, then the user hasn't launch a track yet, so don't do rating.
- if(file){
- // Loop through our "stars" array and turn items on or off
- // based on the index sent in via the "args" argument.
- for(var i=0; i<5; i++){
- var elem = stars[i];
- if(i <= args){
- elem.setState(1);
- } else {
- elem.setState(0);
- }
- }
- // Note: "args" is a zero-based reference, so:
- // 0 = 1 star
- // 1 = 2 stars
- // 2 = 3 stars... etc.
- displayInfo = "User rated " + file + " with " + (args+1) + " stars.";
- } else {
- displayInfo = "No file has been played.";
- alert("You must play a track before you can rate!");
- }
- // This function is located in "_test_stuff.js" and prints stuff into page.
- showObject(displayInfo, "output", true, "Star Clicked");
- //alert(displayInfo);
- }
- function setRating2(id){
- alert(id);
- }
- var stars = [];
- function getStars(){
- for(var i=0; i<5; i++){
- // Get a handle to our star objects in the skin.
- var elem = player.getSkinElement("rate" + i);
- // Put the element into an array.
- stars.push(elem);
- // Skin elements have a built-in "addMEL" function,
- // (MEL stands for "Mouse Event Listener").
- //
- // The addMEL is set up with 5 arguments:
- //
- // addMEL(evt, func, scope, bubbles, arg)
- //
- // "evt" The event name and can be any of the following:
- // mouseDown
- // mouseUp
- // mouseClick
- // mouseOver
- // mouseMove mouse hovering over with movement
- // mouseDrag click down and dragging
- // mouseOut
- // "func" The function to call when triggered.
- // "scope" The scope that the "func" resides within.
- // "bubbles" A boolean that indicates if the mouse click should "fall through" to elements underneath it.
- // "arg" Available to incorporate custom data to include during an event trigger.
- //
- // Here we're setting up the MEL to ping the "setRating" function
- // we've defined above, and set the "arg" to the "i" index.
- elem.addMEL(
- "mouseDown", // The event to listen for.
- this.setRating, // The function we want to ping
- this, // the "setRating" is in the "window" scope, or "this" for short.
- false, // Don't bubble (not that important)
- i // the index of the element in our "stars" array.
- );
- // FYI:
- // You can also use traditional methods to apply mouse events.
- // To do so, you'll need to target the "element" property of the skin object.
- // However, it gets a little tricky doing it this way because you have to
- // store the "i" value somehow.
- //
- // Example:
- // elem.element.onclick = function(arg) {
- // setRating();
- // };
- }
- }
- // Create a new player
- var player = new wimpyPlayer({
- skin : "../wimpy.skins/045_ratings.tsv",
- media : "../song1.mp3|../song2.mp3|../song3.mp3",
- onReady : getStars
- });
- </script>
- Click a star... but you'll first need to play a track!
- <pre id="output">Output goes here<p></p>
- </pre>